Whatever form it takes, speaking in front of an audience is difficult for the majority of us. In fact, by extension, communication of any type can sometimes have its challenges. Everyone at some point in life is required to make a point or persuade someone, but it’s a life skill that is hard to feel totally at ease with.

Are you a CEO looking to inspire, to add authority and presence when you speak?

Or a Department Head that wants your team to communicate with more impact?

Have you got that dreaded wedding speech coming up?

Acuity Coaching is a global partner of Curran Coaching, specialising in the practical skills required for how we need to communicate today; time poor and with a greater than ever need to be clear and focus on an outcome. We offer a series of in-person and online communication coaching programmes to help you find your own authentic voice and style, and never have to step away from who you naturally are.

There is no magic formula to this but we can promise to make the whole process a lot less painful!


Our approach to coaching

  • Like you, we are interested in coaching that makes an obvious difference to how you perform in the real world and the feeling that you get from that progression.

  • Our programmes are uncomplicated and focused on some of the fundamentals that will add up to greater self-belief and more effective communication.

  • We provide the step-by-step tools and tips to transform your own speaking skills and manage the anxiety, to focus on brevity and what will motivate the audience, or to encourage teams into the habits of more effective and impactful meetings.

  • These things form a platform for the most important step any of us can make, restoring the confidence that puts you back in control.

Fearless communication, rather than faultless.

Our method

Our Three Pillar method is key to unlocking confidence and transformation.

Our signature programmes

We make every session bespoke to your individual needs. Our core programmes incorporate practical exercises and independent assignments with individual critique and coaching.

What results can you expect?

What will “more effective communication” mean?

We look for simple adjustments that build greater confidence and unlock your communication potential without you feeling pressured to over-extend.

  • You feel relaxed and in control when speaking.

  • Your nervous energy is being used to your advantage.

  • Your content is logically structured and concise, leading to a desired outcome.

  • You speak with much greater clarity and positivity. You have presence through performance and body language.

  • People engage; you build empathy and a connecting message by understanding each audience.

As a CEO, more authority through your communication style.

As a graduate or junior manager, getting comfortable with the basics.

As a reluctant wedding speaker, you will be more than fine.

The coaching experience

We specialise in One-to-One Coaching, Team Coaching and Group Workshops.

  • Our coaches are highly experienced in executive coaching, corporate communication and marketing.

  • The coaching environment is safe and supportive, the tone we set is informal and fun. The sessions can take place in-person at a location that suits you or online via Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Google Meet.

  • Programmes are fully tailored to meet your personal goals or business objectives. We work with your authentic voice and pay close attention to your content. We go at your pace in a way that is designed to suit your specific communication style.

  • All programmes include our Handbook and Digital Storyboard. We also promise to be on-call at any time in the future should you need some friendly advice or a refresher.

Steve Copestake

Our Founder

Steve Copestake is a highly experienced Marketing & Communications expert with more than 36 years of corporate, consulting and coaching achievement worldwide (he’s quite old). Over that time, he’s worked with non-profits, governments and companies like Disney, PepsiCo and Unilever, so he knows a thing or two about understanding an audience and landing points with clarity and impact.

He has lived and worked in the UK, Saudi Arabia, USA, Australia, Hong Kong and the UAE; all of which makes him even more glamorous and exciting.

As the owner of Acuity Coaching, Steve is committed to accessing an individual’s authentic style, and uses the latest techniques in storytelling, structure, and stage presence to find simple steps to help people speak, write, or interact with more efficiency and self-belief.

Steve’s coaching approach is informal and conversational, with the aim being to support and make the outputs simple and easy to practice. By incorporating his own personality and inter-personal style the programmes are enlightening and highly enjoyable.

Proud to have coached a diverse client portfolio

What our clients say

Brand Development

What makes you different makes you stronger.

Everyone says that their company is different and better, but is it really?

  • 01

    Is it immediately obvious to you or your customers what your point of difference is and how to describe it consistently and simply? Perhaps these qualities have become less clear over time?

  • 02

    You want to grow your business but with so many companies and messages competing for attention how can you be heard?

  • 03

    It's clear that by not cutting through, your communication risks being wasteful, but perhaps marketing is not really your thing and resources are always tight?

These issues are real because we are all in the business of distinction. There is a distinct advantage to the type of brand development that defines and presents what you do in a way that has meaning to a target audience.

Small Brown Dog is our sister company, specialists in helping you answer some fundamental questions about your business.
- what are we, what do we believe in, how are we seen, and how should we behave?

They apply their cost-effective
Brand ThinkingTM process to determine what distinguishes your business and how to communicate that advantage. They can then recommend and activate a simple and effective marketing plan.

You can find more information here or by contacting us directly.

Get in touch here
or book a free consultation

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